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    Travel & Study

    Travel to the best destinations

    We are here to facilitate your journey

About us

Who are we?

At IzzyLink, we are much more than just a foreign student assistance agency. We are a passionate team dedicated to helping students from around the world achieve their dreams of studying abroad. Our mission is to simplify the admission and integration process into universities in the Baltic countries by providing personalized support at every step of the educational journey read more….


Our students






Choose the right destination.

Explore exciting educational opportunities offered by Latvia and Lithuania with IzzyLink.
Discover the unique aspects of each destination to find the one that best suits your academic goals and lifestyle.



Student life in Latvia is generally dynamic and enriching. Students have access to a wide range of cultural, sports, and social activities. The campuses...

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The life of students in Lithuania presents an interesting mix of academic traditions, a vibrant cultural life, and diverse social activities. Here are some key aspects...

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What we offer you.

At IzzyLink, we are committed to providing comprehensive and personalized assistance to make your study abroad experience as smooth as possible. Explore our detailed services.

Advice & Support

Our experienced team guides you in selecting the institution and study program that best aligns with your academic and professional goals. Benefit from individual coaching to effectively prepare for your interviews with universities and embassies, maximizing your chances of admission.

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Search for your course.

Discover a world of educational opportunities with IzzyLink. We help you find the course that matches your academic aspirations among a selection of renowned universities.


They have testified for us.

Your feedback is important to us! Participate in our satisfaction survey to help us continually improve our services and better meet your needs. Your comments are essential for us to maintain our commitment to excellence and provide an exceptional experience for our clients.


What we do best.

Stay informed about the latest news and educational opportunities through our online events.

E-information salon

Join our interactive e-information salon to meet representatives from partner universities, ask questions about study programs, and receive personalized advice on your academic project.


Attend our informative webinars hosted by education experts. Explore exciting topics related to studying abroad, career opportunities, and much more.


Stay up-to-date with the latest news and helpful tips in our Blog section.

Explore our informative articles on educational trends, tips for studying abroad, inspiring student stories, and much more.


If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.

Feel free to contact us via your preferred medium for more information on our various offerings and much more.

Our Location

🇱🇻 Latvia, Lāčplēša iela | 🇨🇲 Cameroon, Yaounde, Awae

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