Welcome to IzzyLink Blog

Explore our informative articles on educational trends, tips for studying abroad, inspiring student stories, and much more.

Welcome to IzzyLink Blog

Explore our informative articles on educational trends, tips for studying abroad, inspiring student stories, and much more.


Thanks to our privileged partnerships with renowned universities, we guarantee you admission to the institution of your choice.

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Aide au logement

Housing Assistance

Our team assists you in finding and booking comfortable and affordable accommodation that suits your preferences and budget.

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Étude de dossier

Application Review

We conduct a thorough evaluation of your academic and professional record, ensuring it meets the specific requirements of each university.

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Aide et accompagnement à la demande de visa

Assistance and support with visa application

We accompany you at every step of the visa application process, providing expert advice and practical assistance to gather all the necessary documents (Latvian insurance subscription, bank guarantee, criminal record, etc.).

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Educational trends


Thanks to our privileged partnerships with renowned universities, we guarantee you admission to the institution of your choice.

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Recent Articles

ISMA University

ISMA est l’une des institutions d’enseignement supérieur les plus populaires et les plus demandées en Lettonie, la plaçant à juste

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Juridiska college

Lettonie Droit Qualification : Assistant juridique Durée : 2 ans Frais de scolarité : 2 700 € par an Administration

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