Welcome to IzzyLink Blog

Explore our informative articles on educational trends, tips for studying abroad, inspiring student stories, and much more.

Welcome to IzzyLink Blog

Explore our informative articles on educational trends, tips for studying abroad, inspiring student stories, and much more.
Cours d’anglais avec le Partenaire Global Language Center

English courses with our partner Global Language Center

Improve your English proficiency with intensive courses taught by qualified instructors from the Global Language Center, our trusted partner. Discover our various packages and rates tailored to your level and specific needs.

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Conseil & Accompagnement

Advice & Support

Our experienced team guides you in selecting the institution and study program that best aligns with your academic and professional goals. Benefit from individual coaching to effectively prepare for your interviews with universities and embassies, maximizing your chances of admission.

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La vie étudiante en Lettonie est généralement dynamique et enrichissante.

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La vie des étudiants en Lituanie présente un mélange intéressant

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Educational trends

Housing Assistance

Our team assists you in finding and booking comfortable and affordable accommodation that suits your preferences and budget.

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Application Review

We conduct a thorough evaluation of your academic and professional record, ensuring it meets the specific requirements of each university.

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Recent Articles

ISMA University

ISMA est l’une des institutions d’enseignement supérieur les plus populaires et les plus demandées en Lettonie, la plaçant à juste

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Juridiska college

Lettonie Droit Qualification : Assistant juridique Durée : 2 ans Frais de scolarité : 2 700 € par an Administration

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